
an early christmas picnic

what i did monday:
1.that morning i quickly went to the shop because i was in need of a hat to wear at my family's christmas lunch at the park. i stumbled upon these treasures while i was there and could not resist buying them.

2. found some material for my table cloth and kitchen curtains as well as some vintage doilies for $1 each

3.realised that i was still in love with this old thrift shop top i found three years ago... i love the detailed buttons...

4.had fun at the park with my cousins and loved the joyful smiles on their faces as they opened up their gifts. the earrings shown below was i gift i gave to my cousin. the earrings were from a shop called mombasa. they have cute vintage outfits, knick knacks, toys, accessories and more. check them out on : http://www.mombasashop.com/index.php

with all the above + christmas gifts i officially have very little money left in my bank.... wont stop me from shopping though...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love the outfit, gosh i wish it was warm enough to wear summer dresses!!
    hope you have a good christmas! xxxxx

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